
lept Like A Blog is your link to leaping into Social Media with your marketing campaign.

How do you convert a half million clients?

With over 2 BILLION users on the Internet worldwide, reaching 1/2 million seems easy. There are over 750 million users on Facebook alone. With a structured framework you can have your social media tools helping to convert those millions of leads into clients!!

Want more information?

You can ask Chief a question on the Ask Chief tab.  Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the blog for periodic updates on the dynamic world of Social Media.

Our monthly newsletter keeps our clients up to speed with the fast paced world of Social Media. You too can be on top of  Social Media happenings, sign up for our free newsletter here. 

We have a Video section for those little procedures you know can be done but don’t quite remember. How does that go again?

We’d Like to hear fromYou!

Feel free to comment here or on the BLOG page.  Peruse the various pages to access a collection of links to educate yourself on social media tools. Let us know your opinion by participating on the POLLS page.

If you are ready  to add social media as part of your marketing plan visit the Your Start page. There is a class starting soon so Email the Chief to get more details. You can also register by clicking the SIGNUP now button to the right.

8 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. I’m was really confused about the whole social networking/media thing. Thanks for the clarification.

  2. Since blogging and tweeting are becoming so prevelant, have you considered contacting realty companies to hold blogging classes in their offices? I’ve been told that the average age of realtors in the area is early 50’s, and have not grown up with the technology to do this on their own.

    Just a thought.

    1. Kathryn, Thanks for commenting! Any pearls of wisdom on using Social Media as part of your marketing campaign?

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