Our Ender 3 club has developed a number of enhancements for the Ender 3 beyond the offset square. The Makerspace at Cumberland Business Incubator sponsors a Build Your Own class for the Ender 3. Eleven embellishments are included in the class. Here is a shot of a few of them. The fan covers started with a monochrome stl downloaded from Thingiverse. The stl file was imported into TinkerCAD. Then, converted to two stl files by taking a thin slice at the start of the lettering to allow the letters to be printed in a different color. Using the dual extrusion wizard in Simplify3D the files were processed into one build file and printed on Killer, a Flashforge Creator Pro machine. The nameplates were developed in Solidworks and two stl files extracted to follow the same workflow for printing.
Parts were printed in ABS on Killer class (FlashForge Creator Pro) machines.