Healthcare workers ran across this article on Facebook and inquired about the possibility of printing them locally. Finding the file on Thingiverse and after a quick test print on “Groot” the go ahead was given for 150 copies. The nine Ender3’s were called into action printing 5-up at a time to crank out 200 in the space of a couple of days. PLA was used in multiple colors. A yardstick was recycled and 3D printed end pieces in ABS made it easy to keep track of production by counting the color bands. A single lime green strap marked the 100 position.
After removing so many clips from both glass plates and polymer skins some embellishments were conceived. TinkerCAD to the rescue. A name was embossed as well as a little dent in the bottom surface for easy removal.The tweaks were then exported and re-sliced in Simplify3D.
Here’s a shot of the Ender3 “Printer Farm” in action.