Holy Thanksgiving, Batman! Do you think it wise to name the Wayne estate in Turkey, Batman?

Alfred: Master Robin, are you speaking double-talk?

Robin: No Alfred, the bat-computer just fixed the coordinates of Batman in Turkey.

Alfred: But Robin, he is right here in the batcave.

Batman: Yes, I’m afraid Alfred, that Robin has a point. I fear it is too late to change it now. Make arrangements for us to fly to Turkey to divest of the Wayne estate.

Alfred: Are you sure you want to miss the lept Like A Blog social media marketing class?

Robin: Holy bat-tweets, Alfred, we can’t miss that.

Batman: Quite right Robin, we’ll have to wait until after the class.

Robin: It will be over by Thanksgiving.

Alfred: I’ll make the arrangments for then.

Batman: We can have our Thanksgiving turkey in Turkey.

Alfred: I wish you gentlemen could speak without double-talk.

Announcer: Will Robin have cranberry sauce with his turkey in Turkey?

Will Batman remain Batman or will Batman leave Batman to be called Wishbone?

Is this a trap by the Joker to lure Batman from the Batcave? Stay tuned next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel to find out. In the meantime join Batman and Robin and attend the next social media marketing class, set your bat-calendar to November 15 at 5-7pm. Click here to send a quick enquiry.