Beep, beep or Tweet, tweet = quick launch into social media marketing

The summer is racing by. Here at the cyber wigwam we’ve restructured our normal classes to help you get your social media marketing campaign up and running in record time. We have developed an accelerated schedule for those that want to get to the finish line quickly. The Social Media Marketing Framework ties together the most popular social media tools in a way that simplifies your social media presence. You can focus on telling the story of your business in one area. As small business owners we are all busy and every second of the day is a precious value. We can leverage the outreach of social media in the shortest amount of time. It helps us small business owners compete with the bigger organizations. Sprinkle on top of that the statistic that approximately 50% of internet searches are for local business and services and you have an excellent engine for findability of your new clients and customers.

 In two hours a day for four consecutive days in a row you can outsmart Wile E. Coyote and get your social media campaign up and running. We are offering two times: 10am-12noon for those that like classes during the day and 5-7pm for those that have other commitments during the day. Classes start August 6 and August 13. If you want to get your social media engine crankin’ email Tom here. In a week you can be zooming a long with your social media marketing.

Holy Thanksgiving, Batman! Do you think it wise to name the Wayne estate in Turkey, Batman?

Alfred: Master Robin, are you speaking double-talk?

Robin: No Alfred, the bat-computer just fixed the coordinates of Batman in Turkey.

Alfred: But Robin, he is right here in the batcave.

Batman: Yes, I’m afraid Alfred, that Robin has a point. I fear it is too late to change it now. Make arrangements for us to fly to Turkey to divest of the Wayne estate.

Alfred: Are you sure you want to miss the lept Like A Blog social media marketing class?

Robin: Holy bat-tweets, Alfred, we can’t miss that.

Batman: Quite right Robin, we’ll have to wait until after the class.

Robin: It will be over by Thanksgiving.

Alfred: I’ll make the arrangments for then.

Batman: We can have our Thanksgiving turkey in Turkey.

Alfred: I wish you gentlemen could speak without double-talk.

Announcer: Will Robin have cranberry sauce with his turkey in Turkey?

Will Batman remain Batman or will Batman leave Batman to be called Wishbone?

Is this a trap by the Joker to lure Batman from the Batcave? Stay tuned next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel to find out. In the meantime join Batman and Robin and attend the next social media marketing class, set your bat-calendar to November 15 at 5-7pm. Click here to send a quick enquiry.

Holy Facebook, Batman, it’s a Social Media Bloggerfly!

The BATCOMPUTER has located the source of the Social Media Bloggerfly.  Lept Like A Blog has scheduled the popular, back by demand, class on Social Media Marketing for February.  Batman and Robin have signed up for the next series of classes at the Cyber-Wigwam.

“Holy Batcave, Batman, this is just like home”

So pack up your batbelt and batlaptop and head to the Cyber-Wigwam for a series of four sessions to get your Social Media Marketing compaign launched for 2011. In four short sessions you too can be a social media bloggerfly. Learn how to easily reach those potential clients out of the 1.8 billion users on the Internet.

“Holy Insects, Batman, there’s a Billion of ’em out there!!”

See how your social media tools can get people to know, like, and trust you while you sleeping or hanging out, upside down, in the cave!

Two, four session series start Wednesday, February 16:

 one from 9-11 am and

 one from 5-7pm.  Pick the time that works best for you.

 The remaining classes meet February 23, March 2, and March 9, 2011. Sign up today or request more information by batemail here. Or pick up the batphone and call Tom at 815-985-7075 and get registered.