YouTu be or Not tuBe?

That is the question.

Should you consider adding a YouTube channel to your marketing campaign? Here’s the Pro’s and Con’s.


  1. Increased Exposure. YouTube currently has 2 BILLION views per day. Even with a million to one odds that means you could reach a potential 2000 viewers.
  2. Picture’s worth a thousand words. If you have a 2 minute video with 30 frames per second that’s 3,600,000 words!
  3. Increasing audience. In the last 30 years the number of people watching the news and TV has dropped by 50%. What are they doing? They are on the Internet instead.


  1. Increased Exposure. If you really don’t want people to know about your business or what you do or how happy your customers are don’t bother to consider YouTube. Increasing the awareness of your product or service could only bring new potential customers.
  2. Picture’s worth a thousand words. Potential customers might actually understand what you do. You may not want them to.
  3. Increasing audience. You can spend your money on “traditional” advertising avenues like TV that has 50% of the audience it had 30 years ago. You can leverage, negatively, your advertising dollars to reach increasingly fewer customers. What a bargain!

The techs at the cyber wigwam have put together a new series of classes for 2011 that help introduce you to YouTube. And just like the Social Media marketing framework, Social Media Bloggerfly, you can now be a You Too Bee with a new 4-class series focused on YouTube. The new series of classes are scheduled to start in February, 2011. Stay tuned to a YouTube channel close to you!

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