Holy Betamax Batman, it’s a YouTu Bee!


        The Bat Cave

Batman: “Yes Robin, Apis Videre, a highly intelligent, busy marketer that knows the value of a moving picture is worth a thousand words a thousand fold.”

Robin: “Sounds like a riddle to me.”

Batman:”Quite correct Robin, but don’t be fooled by his tricky nature.”

Robin:”What should we do Batman?”

Batman:”I’m afraid Robin, there is little we can do. This little stinger is just too much for our Bat brains to handle”

Robin:”The next thing you know he will be sporting QR codes on his wings!!”

Batman:”Robin! That’s it! Yes, you better load the QR scanner app into the Bat-phone. You very well have found our only chance…”


      Cut to Announcer

Will Batman find courage to take on the YouTuBee?

Will Robin dig out his Betamax player?

Will the Bat-phone have enough memory?

FIND OUT in the next episode!

Well, you don’t have to wait for the next episode. The next YouTu Bee class will begin this Wednesday at 5:00pm at the Cyber Wigwam. If you are interested in adding YouTube to your social media marketing plan then this is the class for you. Email here to sign up.