Holy Gatling Gun, Batman! That’s FAST! 4 weeks in 2!

“Yes, Robin. You can now take the Social Media Marketing Framework class from lept Like A Blog in two weeks instead of four!”

“Holy Overnight, Batman, does that mean we could have our Bat-blog and Bat-Twitter and Bat-Facebook set up before The Joker is released from prison?”

“Yes, Robin, at precisely the time when we need it the most we can visit the CyberWigwam and take two classes per week and be complete in 9 days!”

“I’ll start packing the bat-laptop”

“Yes, Robin, set your bat-calendar for Tuesday and Wednesday, 9-11am for July 19,20, 26,27. We’ll take the batmobile over to the CyberWigwam. Be sure to plug the coordinates into the Bat-navigator.

“You mean the GPS system, Batman?”

“Not technically, Robin, the bat-navigator includes our bat-sonar system in case we need to go underwater.”


“Will Robin get the coordinates right for the bat-navigator?” “Will Batman run out of bullets in his Gatling gun?” Find out at the next Social Media Bloggerfly class. Reserve your seat by Emailing Chief here or call 815-985-7075.

Is it “Beep, beep” or “Tweet, tweet?”

Even Wile E. Coyote needs a little help when it comes to Social Media. Are you thinking it might be time to understand what this stuff is all about? You’re in luck. The next series of classes for the Social Media Marketing Framework starts this week. If you want to join Wile and his friends for 4 sessions of being social, contact Chief here.

Catching a Social Media Class and other 30 km/hr endeavors

What goes fast, eats snakes, and knows how to network?


You guessed it, the Social Media Bloggerfly’s cousin, the Roadrunner. Don’t take social media lessons from any old wily coyote. Our next series of Social Media Bloggerfly classes start this week! The series of weekly,  two hour classes run four consecutive weeks. With all four sessions you will develop a Twtter, Facebook, Linkedin,  and WordPress account. You will also tie all these together in a nifty, speedy, and focused system for broadcasting your marketing message into the new realm of social media. You will also link up your social media accounts into one tidy viewport with Tweetdeck. Email Chief if you would like to sign up.

Holy Betamax Batman, it’s a YouTu Bee!


        The Bat Cave

Batman: “Yes Robin, Apis Videre, a highly intelligent, busy marketer that knows the value of a moving picture is worth a thousand words a thousand fold.”

Robin: “Sounds like a riddle to me.”

Batman:”Quite correct Robin, but don’t be fooled by his tricky nature.”

Robin:”What should we do Batman?”

Batman:”I’m afraid Robin, there is little we can do. This little stinger is just too much for our Bat brains to handle”

Robin:”The next thing you know he will be sporting QR codes on his wings!!”

Batman:”Robin! That’s it! Yes, you better load the QR scanner app into the Bat-phone. You very well have found our only chance…”


      Cut to Announcer

Will Batman find courage to take on the YouTuBee?

Will Robin dig out his Betamax player?

Will the Bat-phone have enough memory?

FIND OUT in the next episode!

Well, you don’t have to wait for the next episode. The next YouTu Bee class will begin this Wednesday at 5:00pm at the Cyber Wigwam. If you are interested in adding YouTube to your social media marketing plan then this is the class for you. Email here to sign up.

Kato, Beware the Green Blogger! Let’s Roll.

“Sorry Boss. No need. The Social Media Bloggerfly has the bases covered.”

Imagine what the Green Hornet would be like in today’s Cyber publishing world! Well, you don’t have to. You and Britt can very easily become a social media bloggerfl!  The Green Hornet, alias Britt Reid, publisher of the Daily Sentinel, would today most probably fight injustice with his blog and other social media tools. Hmmm, Britt was last seen carousing in Egypt. The next series of classes for the Social Media Marketing Framework start March 16. You too can join the ranks of cyber crime fighters and learn the secrets of web publishing in four short, easy sessions. Classes meet for four consecutive weeks. Sign up today by emailing the Chief. Come learn what the 21st century Kato knows.  AND…  you don’t even have to know karate!

2 handed blogging – List of efficiency keys

Does Cutting and Pasting seem too tedious?

  • Is your left hand jealous of the right hand always having the mouse? Cutting and pasting can go lickedy-split if you get both the right hand and the left hand doing something. Did you realize that both Apple and IBM have short cut keys for that left hand to participate? Speed up your blog typing and let your fingers follow your brain faster by getting used to these handy shortcuts. The letters themselves don’t necessarily make a lot of sense but are placed so that it is easy for the left hand to manipulate. The letters used are on the lower left of the keyboard: Z, X, C, and V. For the computer to realize you want to do something special the ctrl (control) key is used on windows oriented keyboards. For Apple the  “apple key” is used located to the left of the space bar. The short cuts are:
  • Ctrl-Z is undo
  • Ctrl-X is cut
  • Ctrl-C is copy
  • Ctrl-V is paste

And for those adventurous types you can venture from the bottom row and Ctrl-A is select all.

How to add a picture to your blog post

Boy-with-a-Soap-Bubble-recoveredAre you in the habit of inserting a picture in your blog post?

You may have heard that adding an image to your blog post is one of the simplest ways to help attract people to read your post. WordPress makes it easy to add an image to your post. Lept Like A Blog has made it even easier! We have posted a video that reviews the procedure in a quick 3 minutes. Forgot how it goes? Don’t fear, you can watch the video. And it is always there when you forget the next time. Click here to watch.

Facebook URLs – A quick way to Facebook branding

Tired of that long, goofy URL for your Personal or Fan page in Facebook? You’re in luck. A new capability allows you to create a “vanity” URL to help reinforce your brand identity. With Facebook user names you can now use familiar words to define your facebook.com/xxxxxx brand identity instead of the functional but ridiculously long URL of old. The capability exists for both Personal and Fan Pages. It is really simple. First, log in to your Facebook account. Then you can go straight to the Facebook page for usernames by clicking here.

Leaping Lizards! Another blog class

ANN_annie~sandy_shoulders_c [Converted]

Leaping Blogs, Sandy!

The posts will come out tomorrow, tomorrow…bet your bottom dollar on tomorrow…

Looking to add Social Media to your marketing campaign? Lept Like A Blog is returning with their popular, back by demand, class on Social Media Marketing. Annie may have never found Daddy Warbucks if she had Facebook or other social media tools of today. She may have single-handedly changed texting parlance for ever. Instead of lol, we’d have ll (leaping lizards) or  instead of OMG, we’d have GW (Gee Whiskers). In four short sessions you too can be a social media bloggerfly and launch your 21st century marketing campaign. Learn how to easily reach those potential clients out of the 1.8 billion users on the Internet. See how your social media tools can get people to know, like, and trust you while you sleep!

Our next class starts Wednesday, September 8, 6-8 pm. The remaining classes meet September 15, 22, and 29. Sign up today or request more information by email here. Or call Tom at 815-985-7075 and get registered.

Have a question about Social Media?

Have a question on Social media, but were afraid to ask?

Never fear. Chief Blogger has asked all the braves to bring questions to the cyber wigwam. As the Chief told Running Tweet, “He who is brave is free”. Free your mind of that puzzle regarding social media. Be brave, ask a question. Lept Like A Blog has added a new section for posting your questions about Social Media. Click here to be brave.