Holy Betamax Batman, it’s a YouTu Bee!


        The Bat Cave

Batman: “Yes Robin, Apis Videre, a highly intelligent, busy marketer that knows the value of a moving picture is worth a thousand words a thousand fold.”

Robin: “Sounds like a riddle to me.”

Batman:”Quite correct Robin, but don’t be fooled by his tricky nature.”

Robin:”What should we do Batman?”

Batman:”I’m afraid Robin, there is little we can do. This little stinger is just too much for our Bat brains to handle”

Robin:”The next thing you know he will be sporting QR codes on his wings!!”

Batman:”Robin! That’s it! Yes, you better load the QR scanner app into the Bat-phone. You very well have found our only chance…”


      Cut to Announcer

Will Batman find courage to take on the YouTuBee?

Will Robin dig out his Betamax player?

Will the Bat-phone have enough memory?

FIND OUT in the next episode!

Well, you don’t have to wait for the next episode. The next YouTu Bee class will begin this Wednesday at 5:00pm at the Cyber Wigwam. If you are interested in adding YouTube to your social media marketing plan then this is the class for you. Email here to sign up.

Authenticity – The 12 new letters of Social Media Marketing

An advertising technique has emerged that pushes the needle from “fleeting trend” to “Here to stay” for social media. You can see for yourself how popular the “Haul video” is becoming. Just Google it. YouTube has a plethora of listings. Many are ready to offer a definition, everywhere from Yahoo Answers to Wisegeek.com. In simple terms it is a video that explains the shopping “haul”. Some have termed it an “unboxing for girls” technique. Unboxing is the video form of product reviews where a product is unboxed and the details of the product are reviewed as it is unwrapped. In the case of the “haul”, the video reviews the latest take from a shopping spree. Brand marketeers have quickly picked up on the viral capabilities and have made it easier for the “haulers” by providing promotional goodies to make the video more appealing. The claim is that this type of viral marketing purveys AUTHENTICITY. Friends telling friends. It is an interesting trend that pins a significant value on social media marketing. At the moment the teenage girls are the largest demographic of the “haul video” but other variants are bound to emerge. National Public Radio has a nice article. You can even listen to a broadcast sound bite.  Of course you can always Google it and find out as much as you want. My latest search produced over 12,ooo,ooo hits!

5,900,000 video views- Old Spice puts advertising on its ear (or pulled by the nose?)

Old Spice has everyone in the advertising industry a buzz with its latest social media centered advertising blitz. The salty dogs pirated the top viral video viewing sensation with their latest campaign. A series of YouTube videos starring manly man Isiah Mustafa featured responses to requests submitted through social media. The way this caught on has everyone thinking about new possibilities. In 24 hours, video views nearly reached 6 million. That’s double the viral views attributed to Susan Boyle. Just in! Sales for Old Spice have jumped 107% in the last month! Double, how’s that for ROI for social media? It goes to show that social media is just another tool and used effectively it can bring you more business. See Mashable’s report on the latest sales stats or watch some of the videos that enticed customers to dip into their treasure chests. You can see how to smell like a man, man! If you want to add social media as par tof your marketing campaign, visit Getting your start.